All clubs big and small can now operate at a premier level behind the scenes. Majestri is a purpose-built system that delivers club-wide process automation and tracking features to save time for volunteers from the executive committee down. Make life so much easier for current and future volunteers by keeping them fresh and retaining them for the long term.
The depth of knowledge we’ve acquired from our close working relationships with community clubs shines through in the software. Everything about the intuitive user interface will feel comfortable and familiar because the software speaks the language you understand.
Majestri has the full set of features you need to keep your club running smoothly all year round, year after year.
There are 5 distinct stages to a club's calendar that are repeated year after year. Clubs can depend on Majestri for each of those stages.
From the time you open early Expressions of Interest through to trialling, right up until the dust settles on player registrations. This is the busiest time of year for a club when there's a flurry of activity happening.
Incorporates player grading and allocation to teams, recruitment of coaches and managers, preseason friendlies and chasing of outstanding monies. Being highly organised as a club at this time of year normally bodes very well for the season ahead.
Week 1 of the season right up until Grand Final day is when teams are in full operational mode and management of volunteers is at its peak. Clubs that communicate to members well during this period usually have the most on-field success, as that's where the focus is.
Celebration of another successful year normally has a raft of social and break-up events as the highest priorities on the club calendar. It's important to leave members with a great feeling about the year that was to increase the likelihood of them returning next season.
The time of year up until the next AGM when club competitions are in full swing and the auditor is going over the books. Once the new committee is elected, it's time to do it all again…
I have only had Majestri for 6 weeks and already it has made my life as treasurer of our football club so much easier. The integration with Xero makes the bank reconciliation simple and fast, it links up with the bank feed and apart from a cursory check it has been accurate each and every time and posted to all the correct accounts. Support has been great and the reports and cross checks will make the audit so much more efficient and easy each year. Can highly recommend Majestri if you are a sporting club.
Like what you see? Interested in a live demo? Just want to have chat? Get in touch and see how Majestri can help your club.
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