Grassroots clubs and organisations are the heartbeat of communities and it’s important to provide more than lip service to guarantee their survival into the future. We decided that a club’s health can be measured by the amount of money in the bank and the number of people willing to give their time on a regular basis. Safeguarding these two factors is the reason the system was built, and is what keeps us striving to make it better each day.
In a previous life, we honed our craft by spending many years working for Australia's largest software house, building enterprise systems for some of the biggest companies in the country and overseas. Each of us has been involved in grassroots sports at some level for a number of years, and had grown tired of hearing the rhetoric and lip service paid to volunteers by various levels of government and peak bodies across a range of sporting codes.
Everyone freely acknowledges how valuable volunteers are but nobody was doing anything to help them. Clubs were still finding it hard to attract and retain volunteers because the demands of them were so great and processes so manual and labourious.
In 2010, we decided to do something about it, and funded our own software development project with the aim of putting enterprise-level software tools in the hands of club volunteers. We came from a background of working closely with end users of our products in a feedback loop designed to create software that was a perfect solution to the problem it was trying to solve.
Now, we are proud to say that Majestri is a software system without peer in the world of community sports clubs. There is nothing else that can come close to achieving the levels of automation and time-saving that the system provides to hundreds of clubs all over the country.
We’ve been lucky to work with some amazing club officials from all walks of life. Join the growing list of clubs around Australia using Majestri.
The system has provided a club database that is comprehensive, can be easily updated and records transactions, communications and payments. It has resulted in higher registration numbers, a more effective communication channel for club volunteers and increased sales in merchandise. Our website is now a crucial element in the club’s development and growth and we’re looking forward to the future with Majestri.
Our one-of-a-kind system will make running your club a breeze, but there is more to Majestri.
Our system is a market leader but our support is even better. We understand that the majority of our users are volunteers, so we make sure we’re giving responsive assistance all around the clock so that you don’t have any roadblocks to getting the job done.
The reason our software is so popular with clubs is that we built it with the direct assistance of many clubs. If you’ve got a problem or a feature request, you get to talk directly to the developers of the system - there is nobody in between you and us.
We have a tonne of experience building high-end software systems. Our development processes have been refined over many years, which means that you get to enjoy enhancements to the system with extreme regularity all year round with no more to pay.
If your main concerns for your club centre around club financials and volunteer churn, which most clubs are, then we want to work with you.