Our valuable army of grassroots clubs have assisted us over the years to assemble a rich set of features that help people in all corners of the club.
Player onboarding doesn’t need to be the most stressful time of the year. Whatever process you have to register players, this set of tools will manage them through the process from first contact to the point of registration.
Majestri is the system to use for every single event you run during the club year. Set up any event in minutes - from trials and registrations through to summer comps, coaching clinics, presentation nights and pub crawls.
The more intelligence you can gather about your players and parents, the more likely it is that you can position your club as the first choice for local families looking to sign up for extra-curricular activities. Capture absolutely everything you need to know about members of all ages in every interaction they have with the club.
Striking a balance between offering pathways for junior talent and facilitating the social and exercise benefits for the more non-competitive can be extremely challenging. Our tools for managing players are absolutely vital at grading time, when you need all the information you can gather to put players in their most sensible playing groups.
Achieve maximum efficiency before the start of the season by getting teams sorted right on the back end of trials or grading. The sooner you can allocate players, coaches and managers to their team structures, the sooner they can assume control of their own operations.
Each team needs their own dedicated calendar that they can control. With Majestri team scheduling, club officials can know exactly what’s coming up and also what happened in the past.
Getting messages out to the right sections of the club is one of the biggest challenges facing clubs today. Our sophisticated tools give committee members the ability to send either broadcast or targeted emails and SMS messages at any time of the year.
Local businesses that support clubs are part of the fabric of the community. We have everything you need to ensure that they get the exposure to your members they so richly deserve.
There really is nothing worse than being restricted from publishing club-related content freely to the world outside. Your content will always be fresh and clean when you have a set of tools so easy to use that your Mum could use them.
Within every member base there is an army of helpers willing to give their time to help in the running of the club. Make it easy for them to do so by letting them roster themselves on for the tasks they’re wanting to do.
Your committee’s dream of having a year-round online shop selling to members and supporters can be a reality. Even now, you are only a few image uploads away from providing a custom shopping experience to people where they can buy their skirts, skorts, shorts and hoodies, and anything else you can think of selling.
Our system is designed to take on a lot of the debtor management duties that no longer need to be duplicated in your accounting system. Why not take even more of the human element out of the bank reconciliation by letting us create your revenue transactions directly in Xero from inside Majestri?
The documents that ask for member payments should really look the part in presenting your club as a professional organisation. Take advantage of our gorgeous set of club-themed financial documents that lay out with absolute clarity each member’s financial obligations.
There is absolutely no doubt that chasing payments from members is the biggest job the committee has during the year. When you combine our sophisticated notification tools with the flexibility of payment methods we support, you have a match made in heaven.
As fees get more expensive, members are crying out for more flexible payment arrangements, something that normally just increases your workload. Because Majestri’s own Payment Plan offering is completely integrated into our financial system, it’s the only possible solution on the market that guarantees to make life easier rather than harder.
As you’re reading this now, do you know everybody that owes your club money, how much they owe, and what it was for? Majestri has the memory of an elephant, as every outstanding invoice is tracked from the time it was raised until it’s either paid or cancelled.
Our background is building financial management systems for some of Australia’s largest companies. Part of our charter was to leverage off that acquired knowledge to put the types of tools and reporting used by finance departments in the hands of club treasurers.
Knowing where each piece of club equipment is located is a must for committees who don’t want to be constantly replacing assets. Now you can register each item, notate who is borrowing it, and ensure its safe return at season end.
If the COVID-19 outbreak has taught us anything, it’s that value can still be delivered to members in a totally online capacity, in good times and bad. Virtual training is fast becoming an essential piece of every club’s offering.
The Majestri system is very straightforward and easy to manage and customise. And as time poor volunteers, the extremely quick response to support queries & the willingness of the Majestri team to work with our clubs’ needs and come up with solutions or workarounds was invaluable.
Our one-of-a-kind system will make running your club a breeze, but there is more to Majestri.
Our system is a market leader but our support is even better. We understand that the majority of our users are volunteers, so we make sure we’re giving responsive assistance all around the clock so that you don’t have any roadblocks to getting the job done.
The reason our software is so popular with clubs is that we built it with the direct assistance of many clubs. If you’ve got a problem or a feature request, you get to talk directly to the developers of the system - there is nobody in between you and us.
We have a tonne of experience building high-end software systems. Our development processes have been refined over many years, which means that you get to enjoy enhancements to the system with extreme regularity all year round with no more to pay.
Drop us a line and organise an online demo.